Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prostate Cancer, Should Plug rectum in Men? | Health News Online

Prostate CancerMany doctors recommend that men over age 50 perform digital rectal examination for early detection of prostate cancer. If there are family members who suffer from prostate cancer screening should then since the age of 40 years. The goal is to determine if there is enlargement, swelling, or lumps in the prostate gland.

At the time of the digital rectal examination, the doctor will insert one finger into the rectum and feeling the rear wall of the prostate gland, feeling the presence or absence of enlargement or lumps that are not normal. In this way the doctor will know if there is any abnormality. It was also not hurt as much as imagined

Another component of the prostate examination is utilizing PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood tests pass. PSA is an enzyme released by the prostate gland and ejaculatory function diluting fluid to facilitate the movement of sperm.

Under normal conditions, only a little PSA into the bloodstream, however, if there is damage or inflammation of the prostate tissue the levels of PSA in the blood increases.

When the results of digital rectal and PSA tests and doctors suspect the presence of abnormal prostate cancer in patients, it is highly recommended by ultrasound examination and needle biopsy for tissue sampling.

In the early stages of prostate cancer did not show typical symptoms, but because of advanced age is a risk factor for prostate cancer, the elderly men are advised to be screened. Men who experience symptoms of difficulty in urination, weak urine stream, frequent waking at night or there is blood in the urine, you should see a urologist.


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