Friday, August 12, 2011

A Look at Typical High Blood Pressure Causes | Topics Info | Health ...

One of the worst things about high blood pressure is that it?s possible to have this problem without knowing it. You may not have any early symptoms, so make sure you get your blood pressure taken on a regular basis. Let?s look at some of the known causes of high blood pressure to help you protect yourself.

Women who are pregnant often experience high blood pressure, and while this is usually not severe, in some cases it must be controlled with certain medications. A sudden rise in blood pressure to extreme levels during pregnancy, called preeclampsia, can be dangerous for both mother and baby. It can strike even if the woman has no history of hypertension, although women who had high blood pressure before pregnancy are at a greater risk. This why it is so important for women to monitor their blood pressure while pregnant.

If you consume too much alcohol, this can cause high blood pressure, among other problems. Some people are confused because there is evidence that light drinkers are actually healthier than people who don?t drink at all, and it?s true that small amounts of alcohol may actually reduce your blood pressure. It?s clear, however, that regularly consuming more than two drinks per day of any alcoholic beverage poses more risks than benefits to your health. This issue is further complicated by the fact that many people have trouble limiting themselves when it comes to alcohol, and are better off abstaining. Alcohol, then, may be beneficial in small doses, but heavy drinking raises your blood pressure, as well as the other risks it poses to your health.

High blood pressure can be caused by taking certain medicines or drugs. Stimulants of any kind, such as cocaine, are known to be dangerous to your blood pressure and heart. Yet you can also have your blood pressure raised by taking certain prescription drugs, such as birth control pills and many others. drugs can also cause hypertension, especially when taken regularly. So read the labels on any medications you take and ask your doctor about possible side effects. Always ask your doctor if any medication he or she has prescribed may cause high blood pressure.

People who have high blood pressure must look at how they eat, their way of life as well as genetics. You may have to make certain adjustments if you have high blood pressure, so listen to your doctor and follow the suggestions in this article. Since the causes of high blood pressure, like the ones looked at in this article, are so diverse, it?s important to monitor your blood pressure regularly. No matter what?s causing your high blood pressure, the important thing is to address it and work on lowering it.

Need to know how do you get pregnant? Learning how do you get pregnant might be particularly beneficial!


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