Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Club sports in Idaho not likely to replace high school sports ...

High school sports from the Friday night football game to basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball track and field, tennis, golf ? you name it, it has a constituency who live and die with the outcome of the events. High school sports rank right up there with mom, apple pie and Chevrolets.

Every year, big bucks are spent to give students the chance to participate in sports-related activities, not to mention the ancillary features?cheerleaders, drill teams, pep bands, a venue to recognize those who have done something for a school not necessarily athletic-oriented. The high school football field or gymnasium are gathering places.

Big bucks, however, is a relative term. Voters in Allen, Texas, in 2009 approved a $119 million bond, with $60 million of it going to construct an 18,000-seat stadium for the high school football team. The school has 5,000 students spread out over a 650,000 square-foot area. When the stadium opens this fall, it will only rank as the fifth largest high school football facility in the state.

With education budget issues in Idaho and other states, one prominent business and sports figure in Nevada is proposing a complete rewrite of the high school sports environment. Len Stevens is now executive director of the Reno-Sparks Chamber of Commerce. Prior to that, he was head basketball coach at the University of Nevada and Washington State University. He thinks the time has some to kill high school sports.

One Idaho school superintendent, the former director of the Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA) and the current director of the association strongly disagree.

According to Stevens, the model to adopt is found in Europe. There are practically no high school sports in Europe, just club sports. Club sports have been growing in the U.S. for years, and Stevens believes if states go to club sports that would answer a lot of concerns about funding, pressure on coaches to win, parents leaning on coaches for playing time for their child and kids using high school to win an athletic scholarship. With club sports, says Stevens, the high school focus would be back where it belongs, on education.

In Stevens? wide world of sports, high schools would still have intramural sports and physical education, which would turn the emphasis to recreation, diet and exercise. Students and parents wishing a more competitive atmosphere could finance and participate in club sports modeled after what is found at the high school level today ? except the contests would pit club against club, not high school against high school.

Craig Woods, superintendent of the Notus School District, says the money his district spends on athletics is well worth the cost. ?I personally look at this as a great use of our money to engage students. This, along with other clubs and activities, helps students feel like they are part of school.?

Woods noted that to help reduce the cost of athletics to his district, students are required to pay a participation fee. Last year, $7,200 was collected to help cover junior high school and high school expenses for the 240 participants in school-sponsored activities.

Bill Young, who started coaching in 1962, then moved on to athletic director roles, high school administration and subsequently became the director of IHSAA, disagrees with Stevens? assessment, especially here in Idaho.

Young said the IHSAA and the national activities association?s primary goal is that participation in a sporting endeavor must be educational. ?The fact is, that those individuals who are involved in activities, it?s a learning experience. They (participants) have to be accountable. So the teaching of it (activities) is educational. Now, is it in a classroom? Yes, the classroom is the gymnasium or the field or wherever you go.?

Young says that being involved in activities, whether it?s sports or something like debate or band, shows commitment from an individual. Then, as a result, the commitment teaches that person accountability, such as being on time, not missing practice, sacrificing free time to dedicate to a certain activity. ?Through that, learning comes,? said Young.
Young believes high school athletics give students the will to compete, which translates into real life. ?You?re learning how to compete. When you graduate and go out into the business world, you?re competing for a job. Our nation is built on competition.?

What about the cost of a high school athletic program, especially in tough times? ?I think it?s worth it. I don?t think you can put a price tag on education. The dollar that is being spent on those individuals to learn to compete in a different manner is worth it.?

While the idea of club sports may seem like a good idea in these times of tight budgets, Young says the rural complexion of Idaho makes that idea nearly impossible.

IHSAA classifications are based on four-year enrollments in grades 9-12. The classifications for the state?s 154 high schools clearly show there many more small and rural schools than larger schools, generally found in Idaho?s larger cities.

5A ? four-year enrollment of 1,280 or more, (17 schools)

4A ? four-year enrollment of 640 to 1,279, (27 schools)

3A ? four-year enrollment of 320 to 639, 21 schools)

2A ? four-year enrollment of 160 to 319, (25 schools)

1A ? Div. I ? four-year enrollment of 100 to 159, (32 schools)

1A ? Div. II ? four-year enrollment of 99 or less, (32 schools)

The current director of IHSAA, John Billetz, is adamant in opposing a club sports setting in Idaho. ?I am totally against Mr. Stevens? proposal. High school sports/activities are educational-based activities. High school sports/activities are the other side of education.?

Source: http://www.idahoreporter.com/2012/club-sports-in-idaho-not-likely-to-replace-high-school-sports/

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Olympic Style Results for Your Travel Business | Travel Business U

Seeing people at their fullest potential fascinates me. That?s why I love the Olympics.? But what?s the difference between the gymnast who wins the gold and the gymnast who doesn?t even make it to the Olympics?? Or the swimmer who didn?t qualify 4 years earlier, but then comes back to win a gold medal and break the world record?

Is it talent?

Or physical fitness?

Maybe, but not necessarily.? More likely, it?s mindset.? And this is true with your business too.

You may have never considered this but ? your passion for travel indicates incredible talent.? Thus, I believe you have the potential to be a ?gold medal? success in your business.? But are you?

If not, consider the following 3 mindset tips that I know our Olympic champions have nailed.? These may just help you in your own business.

  1. Set sight on your goals and EXPECT them to be realized.
    There are a few important things going on in this tip.? First, it?s about getting super clear on your goals.? The more clear, the better.? Olympic champions have been focusing on very specific goals for many, many years.? Second, you have to believe you can realize your goals.? And when you believe in them, you expect them.? Expecting them means you make different choices than if you are just hoping for them.? Expectation is an incredibly powerful energy.? Consider this example:? when you decide to have a party for 50 people, you expect 50 people to show up.? You send out 50 invites.? You prepare enough food and drink for 50 people.? You get the space ready for 50 people, etc., etc.? You do all this BEFORE the actual party takes place and BEFORE you know how many people will actually show up.? You don?t sit around and ?hope? that 50 people will show up, and then get things ready when they do.? That?s the difference between hope and expectation.? When you expect your success to happen, you will make different choices than when you hope success happens.? Think about some of the things you would do differently if you expected success ? like hiring that admin person, or hiring someone to write your blog.? Taking action like this is what moves success forward for you.
  2. ?Just Do It? A great Nike slogan, yes, but also a very important business philosophy that can be the difference between success and failure.? Once you set your goals, you have to just go after them, even if you don?t know the path.? Most of us get stuck in ?in-action? because we want to do it right and we want to see all the steps.? The movie ?Forest Gump? had a great lesson about this, if you noticed it.?? You have a guy with a 75 IQ and physical issues with his back from the day he is born?a few obstacles for sure.? But he manages to achieve incredible things like:? going to college and playing college football, earning a medal of honor for his time in Vietnam, buying a shrimp boat and becoming a successful shrimper with no experience,?and the list goes on.? Yes, it?s a little bit of an exaggeration, but the lesson is still there.? He achieved these things because he just ?did it.?? He didn?t think about the how.? He didn?t wait around for all the steps to be revealed to him.? He just went after things, without worrying about how he would do it.
  3. Don?t Compare Yourself to Others
    Comparison is mindset cancer!? Byron Katie, author of ?I Need Your Love.? Is That True?? says that there are 3 types of businesses:? 1) My Business; 2) Your Business; and 3) God?s Business.? She says that we spend too much of our time in the wrong business ? your business and God?s business.? We can?t control either so why waste time in them.? The only business we should be concerned with is ?My Business? because that?s what we control.? The moment you start comparing yourself to others who might be more successful or further ahead, is the moment you inject your business with poison.? The only thing you should be comparing yourself to is you and your utmost potential.

Your Assignment: Adopt these 3 mindset tips today. Identify what you would be doing differently if you expected your goals to show up very shortly. Get clear on what steps you can take to get closer to your goals, without worrying about what you don?t know. Finally, stop comparing yourself to others!

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Source: http://www.travelbusinessu.com/olympic-style-results-for-your-travel-business

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Social work and end-of-life care: issues for debate @SWSCmedia ...

Join us for a Special Evening??@SWSCmedia?on Palliative and End-of-Life care with Malcolm Payne (@MalcolmPayne) on Tuesday (31-July-2012) at 8:00 PM BST (UK) / 3:00 PM EDT?@SWSCmedia.

Planning for living needs to include planning for dying. End-of-life care is not a specialised area of medicine, involving a few specialised social workers working in hospices and hospitals. We all die: and because people around us die, we will all be bereaved. Most people who die are in the older age groups, and anyone who is in their sixties and beyond will probably have given some thought to the death that is nearing them, and may have extremely well-worked out plans, including wills, funeral plans, and lasting powers of attorney all completed.

When people come into the social care system, it is a social work duty to make sure that planning for dying is integral to the help they get in planning for living. This may mean just checking and confirming their own planning and making sure it is well-integrated with social care services as we provide them. Or it may mean helping them make a start on the planning they have put off: we all put off planning in a well-meaning way and some people are just not planful in their lives. But we are not doing a good social work job unless we make sure that people using our services are thinking about what they want from our services, including what they want as they approach death. Because if we have not helped the users of our services know what they want, how can we provide it? And if we don?t discuss with them the options and possibilities that, with our experience and training, we can see in their situations, how can we have secured their informed consent to our intervention with them?

And end-of-life care does not need to be in the ?too difficult? box. There can be powerful emotions around, which slow up the routine care management and form-filling of adult social care, and which may be frightening in their intensity or touch on something in a practitioner?s life. But mostly, people are managing a complicated time in their lives and they need the practical social work that guides them through the problems and the caring social work that helps them with the strength to carry on. We can do that; we do it all the time.

Another thing: to be with someone who is dying, and to help their family and friends feel that they died well, is tremendously satisfying, and practitioners will get more good feedback from this work than anything they have encountered in their practice before.

So, the argument for social work in end-of-life care is: end-of-life is part of life, and anyone who is using social care has started on the path which brings them in touch with their death. Any adult social care service needs to recognise that. A crucial element of adult social care is advance care planning. As soon as we offer some social care, we need also to start the conversation about how this care will change and develop through the remainder of this person?s life. All end-of-life care is about balancing the reality of our increasing disablement and future death with hope for what we can achieve at this time and in the future of our lives. Reality and hope both need to be kept in perspective. The message is a misquote of the old adage: hope for the best and plan for doing something about the things that will get in the way of the best.

This is especially true for older people, but it is also true for people with disabilities and mental ill-health. Although many people in these categories are working for the best possible life, a good life depends on security in planning for everything that might happen. People with long-term progressive disabilities (and most major disabilities are progressive to some degree) need to think about how they and their families want to handle their lives and their care as they go through future stages.

The medical bias that has come from palliative care for dying people does not help. Palliative care is the major source of expertise in end-of-life care. It is also the source of the essential idea that if you manage the symptoms and care needs well, people are enabled to get on with the important things in their lives: their relationships and their own personal development. But because palliative care started from dealing with cancer, AIDS and other diagnosable illnesses, it does not cope well with the uncertainties of long-term conditions and the slowly increasing frailty which is the lot of so many older people. The NHS definition of ?end-of-life care? is one year from the end of life: the problem is that unless you have a clear diagnosed terminal illness, there is no evidence that anyone can tell when you have reached that phase. One answer is the ?surprise? question: practitioners can get nursing and medical colleagues to ask themselves this: ?would I be surprised if this person died in the next twelve months?? If so, they should be getting what the NHS regards as end-of-life care. Once you can get doctors and nurses to decide this, the GP should put the patient on their end-of-life care register, and additional resources and support should come from the NHS, if it is needed, although it usually won?t be until close to that year?s end. Medicine and nursing, like social work, has an ethic of optimism: ?we are going to cure this person, we are going to help them?, but that shouldn?t stop us from thinking about the reality alongside all the progress they make, they will also need to plan for those aspects of their life that will worsen.

The social care answer to the limitations of this NHS concept of end-of-life care is to include a social care approach to end-of-life care in all their practice. This reflects the reality that when social care has been commissioned for someone, it is clear that they have problems in their daily living that are probably going to get worse. So now, right at the outset of their care career, this is the time to start planning what they want as their daily life gets more difficult.? This is the best way of making sure they and their family are looking out for things that might go wrong to prevent them happening, and for thinking about what needs to be put in place to make sure they can maintain their life as they want it for as long as possible.

An essential part of maintaining that life as they want it is their own personal development. It is not a life just staring at daytime television, or playing bingo, when you want to visit museums and read history books; whatever. My experience in palliative care demonstrates the crucial important of the arts, and we need to transfer this experience to social care. People have been told at school that they are no good at art or music, and they?ve gone on believing it throughout their lives. Or they?ve come to believe they are no good at sport, because the school was only interested in the people who could play for the team. Most people can be tremendously stimulated and interested to try out their natural ability in many different arts and activities. We can?t all win Oscars or Olympic gold medals, but we can enjoy it. People can use the advances in digital photography or cheap video production to make films or photographic essays about their life, family or locality, passing on knowledge that only they have. Writing a biography or setting down their opinions can be a revelation to families who have dismissed granny as boring. The internet offers a way of communicating their achievements more widely, or they can just share it with the family or have the quiet satisfaction of knowing that they?re still doing something interesting with their lives.

By trying some new kinds of exercise (Zumba, yoga, pilates, the Alexander Technique) and finding they enjoy it, people can become fitter again, and if they are, their aches and pains will affect them less and they will stay healthier longer.

All of this means that they have more in their lives, so they?re more interesting people, they?ve got something to talk about. So visiting granny becomes, not a boring chore, but an interesting adventure. One of the important objectives of social work is cementing social relationships and creating social solidarity: this is an great way of doing it. This is not only important for people who are dying, but it?s an achievement that members of their family will take into stronger family relationships in the future. ?Look how we all helped grandpa die well? can become ?Look what a strong family we are?.

Another social care answer is to build the skills and confidence in all sorts of services to respond to end-of-life life care needs. Care workers visiting older people?s homes need the training and support to identify when things are going wrong, so that something can be done. Staff in care homes need the skills and confidence to? know: ?We can talk about the difficult things with our residents. Even though we know this resident is getting very frail and ill, we can help her to live until the moment of death as well as possible, where she feels secure and her family can be with her. We know we won?t be blamed if she dies here, so we?re not going to blue-light her into accident and emergency to die lonely in a hospital corridor?. We need to do the advance planning that will enable us to commission the help that people need to die well wherever they are, and we can?t do that advance planning until we?ve had the conversations which will tell us how people want it to be. The social work skills, therefore, are essential to doing the interpersonal work that will allow us to commission services well. Commissioning is not just management, it relies on the interpersonal social work of assessment and advance care planning.

That applies not only in care homes, with and without nursing, but in all the ?homes? where older people may be cared for: people in prisons and on psychiatric wards get old, too. And most especially in people?s own homes, where if commissioning is really responsive to what people want and is properly interwoven with what family members can realistically contribute, we can help people die well.

Social workers and adult social care departments also need to think about the implications of end-of-life care for safeguarding responsibilities. The prevalence studies suggest that a lot of older people?s safeguarding needs arise from psychological abuse or neglect. This can be a particular issue for people coming towards the end of life, not necessarily because their carer?s abuse ramps up, but because people do not adjust to the increasing physical frailty and psychological vulnerability as they approach death. I have experienced situations where women expect (and are expected) to carry on doing all the housework and cooking, where an adult male has still been expected to take the lead in all the decisions, where a spouse has not moderated their sexual demands and where a robust pattern of family disputation has carried on around an exhausted dying person. It is also important to remember that the dying person may also be an abuser in the relationship: their previously dominating behaviour may become hectoring and demanding and the difficult behaviour of a mentally ill dying person still continues to frustrate and anger their carers and they react accordingly. We don?t need to attach blame or criticism.? It is important though to prepare people to plan for increasing frailty and the transfer of responsibilities to other members of the family or friends. Help with moving a frail person around can also be a good preventive step. My experience of safeguarding in end-of-life care is that good preparation prevents a lot of problems, and careful explanation and support deals with many of the problems you can?t prevent.

This is also true for bereavement care, which has always been an essential contribution of social work to palliative care. By giving people a good experience of dying, by being open and helping them to understand what is going on and what they can contribute, people will be much more able to prepare for the death of someone that is important to them and manage the emotional and practical consequence s for their family afterwards. That means they can reorganise their relationship with that person after death. They will look back and integrate them into their lives and their family in a new way, but also look forward and develop a new way of living that incorporates their memories and their past life with the person who has died. People often need good information about how bereavement is likely to affect them. Have we commissioned that? Are we sure that it is always provided helpfully? Some people will still struggle: have we commissioned the services that will help them ? a few advice sessions, some practical help with finance, some conversations with a well-trained volunteer? For the few people who will have a serious adverse reaction, have we commissioned a good quality, well-known service high in public confidence that people know they can go to and that other professions know they can refer to? Across the UK, a well-regarded, well-known, secure local bereavement service has been a low priority for commissioners. As a result, people struggle more with bereavement than they need to, and family life and security is disrupted because of it. We can do better.

And that?s the message for the social work contribution to all end-of-life care: we can do better, and our society will be all the stronger because of it.

Join us for a Special Evening ?@SWSCmedia?on Palliative and End-of-Life care with Malcolm Payne (@MalcolmPayne) on Tuesday (31-July-2012) at 8:00 PM BST (UK) / 3:00 PM EDT?@SWSCmedia.

Malcolm Payne is a Policy and Development Advisor at St Christopher?s Hospice in London and Opole University Poland. He has worked in the state and voluntary social services and in academic posts in the UK. He is author of many articles and books on Social Work and Social Care. He also has his own blog on St Christopher?s Hospice website.

Source: http://swscmedia.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/social-work-and-end-of-life-care-issues-for-debate-swscmedia-opinion-piece-by-malcolm-payne/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Top Three Tips for Email Marketing | Internet Marketing News ...

Every online business owner knows the importance of email marketing, bur poor campaign execution often means failure. The good news is that you can create and make an email marketing campaign work simply by understanding some simple rules. The result is having a very successful online business, regardless of the size of the company, the number of employees, or even the product or service being sold.

Keep in mind that with an email marketing campaign, using link exchanges works exceptionally well. In this case, you need to locate other online companies that either sell items or services similar to what you sell or those that offer something that would enhance and complement your site. The goal here is to create exchange links so their customers can click through to your site and vice versa. With the right approach, you can easily design an email marketing campaign specifically with the goal of creating link exchanges.

When done right, using both new and old methods of email marketing, you will see a tremendous growth in your online business. Other ways of making email marketing work for you so you can increase traffic and watch your sales grow includes the following:

* Paid Products ? In addition to working with affiliates and their products, make sure the products you sell are being promoted. Obviously, taking the time to promote what you sell will allow you to make more money. This, in addition to building lucrative affiliates, is a great way of using an email marketing campaign.

* Squeeze Page ? Using a squeeze page is a secret that many online business owners miss. To accomplish this, you need to create a list quickly, using a very basic website designed with a headline, a couple of bullet points about the product/service and business, as well as the opt-in option. The results of a squeeze page for email marketing can be quite successful.

* Follow Up ? Another error that people make is not taking the time to follow up with the prospective customer list. Remember, the average person will visit a website several times before actually buying. Therefore, you need to reach a very large audience within the right market niche so you end up with far more sales. Then, keep in contact with your list and follow up to make sure you are giving the public what they actually want to buy.

Source: http://www.majon.com/blog/internet-marketing/2012/07/top-three-tips-for-email-marketing/

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Health and Fitness

Posted by Ken on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 at 11:33:07

Filed under: Site Developments, Appeals for Information, Business

The inaugural Lymm.com 10K was very popular. However, a couple of people have pointed out that we need a Health and Fitness section on Lymm.com. It's a valid point that we agree with and as The Olympics is almost upon us so we thought it was a great time to compile a local directory of all Lymm businesses that are Health and Fitness related. Its a FREE listing so please send your business details into us an we'll add you straight away.

The Sub Categories

The new Health and Fitness category contains the following sub categories:

  • Yoga
  • Health Clubs and Spas
  • Health Food
  • Pilates Classes
  • Zumba Classes
  • Fitness Boot Camps
  • Martial Arts Training
  • Health and Fitness Equipment
  • Dance Classes
  • Nutrition and Diet Advice

View the whole Business Directory.

Tags: health, fitness, classes, yoga, zumba, dance, leisure

Source: http://lymm.com/blog/2012/7/25/health-and-fitness

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Sigma R&D shows Kinect sign language and Jedi savvy to win gesture challenge (video)

Sigma shows Jedi and sign language skills to win gesture challenge with Kinect

Sigma R&D has won first prize in a gesture challenge to show just how much more talent -- like sign language translation and light saber fun -- can be unlocked in a Kinect. Normally the Microsoft device can only scope body and full mitt movements, but the research company was able to track individual fingers with a Kinect or similar sensor, plus its custom software, allowing a user's hand to become a more finely tuned controller. To prove it, the company introduced a virtual lightsaber to a subject, tracking his swordsmanship perfectly and using his thumb extension to turn it on and off. The system even detected when a passing gesture was made, seamlessly making a virtual transfer of the weapon. The same tech was also used to read sign language, displaying the intended letters on the screen for a quick translation. The SDK is due in the fall, when we can't wait to finally get our hands on a Jedi weapon that isn't dangerous or plasticky. To believe it for yourself, see the videos after the break.

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Southern French worms wriggle as far north as Ireland

A community of French earthworms has been discovered stealthily colonising a farm in Ireland, possibly aided by global warming to thrive so far north of their natural habitat, a study said.

No clash seems to be looming as the French worms prefer to eat a different part of the soil as their Irish cousins, according to a report Wednesday in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters.

But their picky palate may hold another danger -- possibly unleashing Earth-warming carbon dioxide left hitherto undisturbed by the native worms.

Scientists studying earthworms on a farm in Dublin last year, discovered "abundant populations" of a species endemic to France's Aquitaine region more than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) to the south.

Some also live naturally in northern Spain, Sardinia and parts of northern Africa.

These are the first earthworms from southern Europe ever reported to have settled in previously glaciated areas to the north.

"The surprising aspects are that we found worms doing so well far away from their native range and that they have become established at all here in spite of the different climate and the fact that we already have lots of earthworm species," study co-author Olaf Schmidt of University College Dublin told AFP.

"It is tempting to speculate that such a southern species can only survive farther north since the climate is changing," he said, stressing further research was needed to confirm this.

It was not known exactly how the worms travelled to Ireland -- they were probably hidden in the roots a batch of plants delivered across the channel.

On their own, earthworms can spread by about 10 metres a year, said Schmidt, and this colony was believed to have been on the farm for several years.

The French worms were found in six different areas of the farm, several hundred meters apart, feeding on different parts of the soil than the local residents.

"If the newcomers expand their range and population sizes, they could assimilate and hence liberate carbon sources in soils that would stay locked up ... when only native species are present," Schmidt said.

The worms ingest the carbon as organic matter, and then eject it as Earth-warming CO2.

"However, it could also be that this new species makes a positive contribution to soil structure maintenance, nutrient cycling and so on," said Schmidt. "We need more research to find out."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/southern-french-worms-wriggle-far-north-ireland-233709873.html

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Walker catches boa constrictor on Austrian riverbank

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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', 'http://music.yahoo.com' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/walker-catches-boa-constrictor-austrian-riverbank-121421044.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Is your business worth financing? | BusinessTrade.org

Approaching a venture capital fund for financing can be tricky choice. Here are six questions that can give you the information you need to make an informed decision.
Venture capitalists (VC) scout around the world looking for entrepreneurs with good business ideas that are likely to succeed. Here are a few things to consider if ever pitching your business idea to a venture capital fund manager.
1. Is it demand driven?
Ask yourself if your business service/product is driven by demand. In other words, will your business idea be able to make money? VC Fund managers only bet their money on businesses that hold a promise of being able to make sales, which translates into big profits.
2. Can your idea succeed in the long term?
Consider whether your business is sustainable for the future. For some sectors, like Information and Communication Technology (ICT), things change very fast.? A mobile or internet innovation may appear to be a lucrative idea, until the product becomes obsolete with the invention of a more advanced application. Venture capitalists are willing to invest in businesses, but before they do, they want to be guaranteed that your business idea will not be outdone by someone else in the next few months.
3. Will it be open for expansion?
Can the idea be replicated in other countries? Fund managers look for businesses that can be scaled across Africa or other parts of the world. With the possibility of increased competition and growing regional integration, venture capitalists say businesses that can be operational in several countries are open to a wider market and promise more profits.
4. Are you a determined entrepreneur?
Venture capitalists look for ambitious and determined entrepreneurs who are passionate about their ideas. Pim de Wit, a representative from Africa Media Venture Fund, explains, ?We prefer working with entrepreneurs who are stubborn enough to defend their business ideas but still open minded enough to listen, learn and incorporate our ideas.?
5. Have you projected its profitability?
Determine how long it will take for your business to become profitable. Remember, venture capitalists really invest to make profits. When pitching, show them how you intend to make a profit, and how you intend to double that profit with their added investment. You need to expressly pitch the appeal to work with you in business.
6. Do you know the future strategy?
Most venture capitalists plan to leave after about five years. When pitching, you need to map out an exit plan. Examine whether you think opportunities might arise through a sale to a big corporation or a sale of shares at the capital markets. Point it out to them that you expect the business idea to be attractive to foreign market too. This offers fund managers the opportunity to plan their future strategy.

Source: http://www.businesstrade.org/business-finance-advice/2012/07/25/is-your-business-worth-financing-2/

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GRSblog: #Moolah chat is THIS Wednesday at 4pm PDT! Don't miss out! We'll be talking about being a guest at a wedding without breaking the budget.

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Source: http://twitter.com/GRSblog/statuses/227449261552451584

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Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet

Suddenly, though, the government?s role in the Internet?s creation is being cast into doubt. ?It?s an urban legend that the government launched the Internet,? Gordon Crovitz, the former publisher of the Wall Street Journal, argued Monday in a widely linked Journal op-ed. Instead, Crovitz believes that ?full credit? for the Internet?s creation ought to go to Xerox, whose Silicon Valley research facility, Xerox PARC, created the Ethernet networking standard as well as the first graphical computer (famously the inspiration for Apple?s Mac). According to Crovitz, not only did the government not create the Internet, it slowed its arrival?that researchers were hassled by ?bureaucrats? who stymied the network?s success.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=d0be25df9d0057e6a4abc25384d3458f

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Monday, July 23, 2012

WildAlchemist: Study Finds Many Men with Prostate Cancer may be ...

Controversial radio personality Don Imus just announced he has prostate cancer. He's certainly not alone. In fact prostate cancer is the most common cancer, other than skin cancers, in American men. About 186,320 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed last year, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). However, a diagnosis of prostate cancer isn't an automatic death sentence -- ACS statistics show that although about one in 6 men will be diagnosed with the disease during their lifetime, only one in 35 will actually die from the cancer. And new research shows that a diagnosis of prostate cancer also doesn't automatically mean all men even need treatment, such as often grueling chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery which can cause serious long-term side effects such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

A multi-center study of men with prostate cancer, published in the current issue of Journal of Urology recommends that some men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer can opt out of receiving initial treatment, and if their malignancy is closely monitored, remain safe. "Low-risk" prostate cancers are those that are at minimal risk of progressing or spreading to other parts of the body. The study suggests "watchful waiting" can be a sensible approach after two separate biopsies are performed to determine if a man's prostate cancer falls into the "low-risk" group.

The study addresses an important question for men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer and at minimal risk of cancer progression or metastases: when should they be actively treated and when can they simply be treatment-free and closely monitored for any changes down the road? The scientists found that separate biopsies are key to determining the optimal selection of patients for active surveillance, also known as "watchful waiting", when men decide not to undergo immediate treatment.

"When or if to treat men with low-risk prostate cancer has always been a challenging question that faces patients and urologists. Some men may be rushing into treatment that won't necessarily benefit them, prevent problems, or prolong life. Close observation in certain patients may provide and maintain quality of life without increasing the chances of the cancer spreading," said study author Scott Eggener, MD, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center, in a statement to the media.

Dr. Eggener added that an estimated 20 to 50 percent of men in the U.S. who are diagnosed with prostate cancer will eventually die from other causes -- not from their prostate cancer. Bottom line: a large number of men clearly do not benefit from standard medical treatments and may, in fact, be harmed by the side effects.

The study was conducted at Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, the University of Miami, Cleveland Clinic, and University of British Columbia between 1991 and 2007. The researchers studied 262 men from 4 hospitals in the U.S. and Canada who were all under the age of 75 and had a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test that registered below 10 ng/ml. Other criteria for the research subjects included being diagnosed with a cancer at clinical stage T1-T2a and having 3 or fewer positive cores at diagnostic biopsy. The study participants underwent a repeat biopsy and then had no treatment for six months. After that period, they were given physical exams and PSA tests every six months; they were also advised to undergo biopsies every one to 2 years.

Forty-three of the men eventually decided to go ahead with treatment. Or they had evidence their cancer was progressing, so their doctors advised starting treatment. All but one were cured of their cancer, despite having waited to undergo surgery or radiation. The rest of the 219 patients in the research group continued "watchful waiting" without any treatment and showed no evidence of metastases (spread of the cancer to other parts of the body). "Active surveillance with delayed treatment, if necessary, for select patients appears to be safe and associated with a low risk of metastatic spread," the study concluded.

Source - www.naturalnews.com

Source: http://wildalchemist.blogspot.com/2012/07/study-finds-many-men-with-prostate.html

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wonderful Day (for iPhone)

A fellow comedian once asked Jerry Seinfeld how he became successful. Seinfeld answered that the trick is to work hard by writing jokes every single day, and that his motivational strategy is to keep a calendar above his desk. Every day that he writes jokes, he puts an X on that day. Pretty soon he sees a chain of Xs that he doesn't want to break. And that philosophy is the basis of a little iPhone app called Wonderful Day (99 cents).

Write your goals or ambitions that you will only accomplish through routine progress into the app, and check off day by day when you do them. A string of green dots marks success. Red dots break the chain when you slack off and don't do the things you promised yourself you'd do.

Wonderful Day works simply?too simply for a paid app, in my opinion. It's light on features and just not very sophisticated. You can add tasks at any time and indicate the days of the week when you wish to complete them, as not all tasks make sense to do seven days a week. For example, one of my goals, "Bicycle to work," isn't applicable on Saturdays and Sundays. Push notifications (those iPhone reminders you see on your locked screen) are included, but not much other functionality is. Based on the premise of the app, I could dream up many other features. Here's one: In the app, you can go back to any day at any time for any task and change the yes/no input about whether you completed the task.

Or how about making it more difficult to change your answers, so that you can't lie to yourself about what you have or haven't done? Or maybe the app might have some sharing features, so that I can send a Twitter message with one touch that reads, "I bicycled to work 10 days straight!" Or what about sending me a motivational message, either by push notification or email, if I miss my goals for too many consecutive days?

The main page does announce, under each goal, a short summary of your status, such as "Good" or "Awesome," but that's not the same as seeing a custom reminder that motivates you the way you want to be motivated. I'd like to write my own note to my future self saying something like, "You know you really want to reach this goal, and the only way is through consistent and daily practice."

I love the concept of the Wonderful Day app, but it's so minimal I have a hard time recommending anyone pay 99 cents for it.

More iPhone App Reviews:
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/Q4RkYs5vRYU/0,2817,2407432,00.asp

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15 unintentionally inappropriate moments in gaming | VentureBeat

Video games have changed drastically over the years?in terms of visuals and gameplay mechanics and so have our filthy, grown-up minds. While revisiting old titles from the 8 and 16-bit eras, I found myself snickering at some of the scenes and dialog when taking them out of context.

Take a look at 15 harmless games from yesteryear, and let the dirty adult in you ruin your childhood.

15 unintentionally inappropriate moments?in?gaming

Chrono Trigger (Super Nintendo) ? Crono and friends came out of the closet before it was cool.

The Adventures of Bayou Billy (NES) ? Billy West always delivers in the end. Always.

Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (Genesis) ? An overdose of Viagra is dangerous in every planet.

The Addams Family (Super Nintendo) ? We didn?t need to know about Gomez?s dark and devious nooks and crannies. Thank goodness Thing can?t talk.

Mike Tyson?s Punch-Out!! (NES) ? When your name is ?Little Mac,? you need to make up for it in other ways.

Shaq Fu (Genesis) ? What?s that green, slime-like substance around Kaori?s waist? Oh?.

Star Fox (Super Nintendo) ? That?s why Falco is so uptight.

Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode (NES) ? The name Fake Enormous ranks right up there with Solid Snake and Rebecca Chambers as the best video game porn monikers.

Shining Force II (Genesis) ? I?d advise Peter to ignore the decaying cadaver?s request.

The Addams Family Values (Super Nintendo) ? I have no idea what beaver-breath soup is or how it can be wholesome.

Wario?s Woods (NES) ? The game?s title makes perfect sense now.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Genesis) ? Bulk and Skull teach kids about bullying, jealousy, and ejaculation.

Super Adventure Island II (Super Nintendo) ? Tina is a terrible girlfriend, constantly putting Master Higgins down for being overweight, but at least she puts out.

Rolling Thunder 3 (Genesis) ? Dick!! So long?. Someone at Namco let this one slip.

Ghosts?n Goblins (arcade) ? Oh, Arthur?. Princess Prin Prin may have been better off with Satan.

Source: http://venturebeat.com/2012/07/21/15-unintentionally-inappropriate-moments-in-gaming/

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New method for associating genetic variation with crop traits

New method for associating genetic variation with crop traits [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Jul-2012
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Contact: Andrew Chapple
Norwich BioScience Institutes

A new technique will allow plant breeders to introduce valuable crop traits even without access to the full genome sequence of that crop.

The technique, published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, links important agronomic traits in crop plants with active regions of the genome. Instead of requiring knowledge of the crop's complete genome, it identifies only expressed genes.

"For many crop plants, markers are still lacking because of the complexity of some plants' genomes and the very high costs involved," said Professor Ian Bancroft, who led the study at the John Innes Centre. "We have succeeded in developing markers based on the sequences of expressed genes, widening the possibilities for accelerated breeding through marker assisted selection."

Expressed genes are converted from genomic DNA to mRNA. Working with mRNA means that there is no need to generate a complete genome sequence from DNA, making the techniques applicable to a wide range of crops, even those with complex genomes, such as oilseed rape and wheat. It also enables the development of advanced marker resources for less studied crops that are important for developing countries or have specific medicinal or industrial properties.

The research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Peter Werner of plant breeding company KWS UK Ltd and part of the research team said "KWS UK has been delighted to be involved with this ground breaking developmental research. We will be increasingly using this approach to further improve the speed and reliability of our breeding towards the continued improvement of yield and quality of our new varieties produced within the KWS group."

In partnership with the Cambridge-based bioinformatics company Eagle Genomics Ltd, the technology, called TraitTag, is being offered as a service to plant breeders. Markers associated with measured trait variation can be identified in essentially any crop species, including traits controlled at the level of gene expression variation rather than gene sequence variation, such as those with an epigenetic basis.

In an example of such an application, the researchers are now working with plant breeding company Limagrain to produce reliable markers for hybrid performance in oilseed rape. Marker-assisted breeding for this complex trait has previously been unsuccessful due to a lack of available markers and appropriate technology.

Using bioinformatics techniques it is possible to associate variation in both the sequences of expressed genes and their relative abundance in the mRNA with important traits, and then produce markers for these traits that breeders can use in their breeding programmes. Their research was published in the journal Nature Biotechnology and was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New method for associating genetic variation with crop traits [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Jul-2012
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Contact: Andrew Chapple
Norwich BioScience Institutes

A new technique will allow plant breeders to introduce valuable crop traits even without access to the full genome sequence of that crop.

The technique, published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, links important agronomic traits in crop plants with active regions of the genome. Instead of requiring knowledge of the crop's complete genome, it identifies only expressed genes.

"For many crop plants, markers are still lacking because of the complexity of some plants' genomes and the very high costs involved," said Professor Ian Bancroft, who led the study at the John Innes Centre. "We have succeeded in developing markers based on the sequences of expressed genes, widening the possibilities for accelerated breeding through marker assisted selection."

Expressed genes are converted from genomic DNA to mRNA. Working with mRNA means that there is no need to generate a complete genome sequence from DNA, making the techniques applicable to a wide range of crops, even those with complex genomes, such as oilseed rape and wheat. It also enables the development of advanced marker resources for less studied crops that are important for developing countries or have specific medicinal or industrial properties.

The research was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Peter Werner of plant breeding company KWS UK Ltd and part of the research team said "KWS UK has been delighted to be involved with this ground breaking developmental research. We will be increasingly using this approach to further improve the speed and reliability of our breeding towards the continued improvement of yield and quality of our new varieties produced within the KWS group."

In partnership with the Cambridge-based bioinformatics company Eagle Genomics Ltd, the technology, called TraitTag, is being offered as a service to plant breeders. Markers associated with measured trait variation can be identified in essentially any crop species, including traits controlled at the level of gene expression variation rather than gene sequence variation, such as those with an epigenetic basis.

In an example of such an application, the researchers are now working with plant breeding company Limagrain to produce reliable markers for hybrid performance in oilseed rape. Marker-assisted breeding for this complex trait has previously been unsuccessful due to a lack of available markers and appropriate technology.

Using bioinformatics techniques it is possible to associate variation in both the sequences of expressed genes and their relative abundance in the mRNA with important traits, and then produce markers for these traits that breeders can use in their breeding programmes. Their research was published in the journal Nature Biotechnology and was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/nbi-nmf071912.php

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Locating The Finest Design For Your Miami Seashore Condominium ...

If you?re seeking the most glamorous way of living in Miami the ideal selection is a condo. Throughout the town, condominiums are the most prominent alternative for those buying housing real estate, as these condominiums are known for their wonderful views, high-class design and wide range of amenities.

From the furnishings to the cooking area, each one of the Miami luxury condos for sale today shows off a trendy as well as present day model that?s selected with convenience in mind. Condos in the city attribute interior layout very quite similar to the 5-star hotel and resorts you could be familiar with. A lot of condos in Miami are located near the beach, with stunning perspectives of the skyline, ocean and bay. These city as well as water views encourage several designers to generate systems that combine contemporary themes, creative layout and a relaxed ambience.

Wall surfaces as well as ceilings display a smooth polish that suits well with chandeliers and also recessed lights, while wall structures as well as floors as well as completely sound-proofed so you?re paid for a silent as well as private retreat without the requirement to hear your neighbors. Fixtures as well as home furniture are even thoroughly chosen to fit with the layout of the unit. Ground deals are large and also open while everything is set to make use of, from the high-end devices to the washing space as well as entertainment facility.

Due to the fact that Miami is vulnerable to hurricanes, condominiums in the town also present security from such a celebration. Windows and also slipping glass doors are made impact-proof and checked to withstand also the most destructive typhoons to strike the location. In the course of warm climate, you could even choose to create your floor-to-ceiling glass windows to get a kick out of fresh sea breezes throughout your house.

As you could watch, the interior of each condo in Miami Seaside is designed to supply an extravagant and relaxed lifestyle. Every detail is very carefully picked to match with the lifestyle of oceanfront living and all condos are positioned easily near work, eating, entertainment and also looking. If you?re trying to find an opulent, trendy and relaxed way of life, look no more than the popular condos throughout Miami.

If you are looking for the greatest miami beach luxury condos or the very best luxury Residences in Miami then I extremely advise you speak with a Majestic Properties True Estate Agent.

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Posted under Local Real Estate News

Source: http://southjerseyrealestateagent.com/?p=10227

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All You Need To Know When Planning To Travel Abroard

When it is time to take that long-awaited journey to a foreign destination, the excitement can be exhilarating. The stress in planning the trip, however, can be equally intense. There is no need to have excessive stress over the preparation, if you have the needed information to plan carefully. Read on for some ideas on executing the journey with the lowest amount of stress possible.

1.The most basic thing you need to do is to have all the required documentation that you need for departure and re-entry to and from international destinations. Most places that you visit will require a passport, in the very least. Obtain a legal passport well in advance, allowing time for passport photos and delivery times. In addition, many countries will require visas for entry and departure. Visit the U.S. State Department website to find out about visas and required immunizations.

2.Know the laws in each country you plan to visit, including driving laws, alcohol consumption and unique legal restraints on behavior. These could include clothing if visiting strict Islamic countries, or even things like chewing gum in public. Know that visitors are not exempt from laws that govern ordinary citizens in the country you are in. Have contact information for embassies in case you get into trouble.

3.Check with your health insurance provider to see if you are covered for medical emergencies while abroad. If visiting countries with national health provisions, do not assume that you will be treated at no cost. It is unlikely that you would be turned away for medical care, but you may be held responsible for the associated costs. If necessary, purchase health insurance that would cover you if you need medical attention while traveling.

4.Find out ahead of time what items are allowed or prohibited to bring into the country you are visiting. There are often limitations on the amount of currency you can bring, so find out the limits ahead of time. Be aware of restricted items for carrying onto an airplane, and pack prohibited items such as weapons or liquids in your checked baggage. Be sure to declare them if required.

5.Always take safety precautions when traveling abroad. Refrain from accepting rides from strangers, and keep all valuables in a safe at your hotel. Know which areas are considered to be high crime regions of a city, and avoid them, especially at night. Carry as little cash as possible, and be willing to give up your purse or wallet to spare injury or assault. Make sure your bank and credit card provider know that you are traveling internationally, and have their phone numbers stored electronically for easy access in case of theft.

6.If at all possible, try to blend in with the locals and avoid looking like a tourist. Store maps on your cell phone in order to attract less attention, and dress in the generally accepted fashions for the city. Never take a taxi that is not a recognized transportation mode, and ask for rates ahead of time.

7.Nothing spells "tourist" more than a complete inability to converse in the native language. It is not necessary these days to learn the entire language, when there are a multitude of translation devices available. Bring along a handheld electronic translator or a dictionary. Locals will in the very least appreciate your efforts to communicate with them in the local dialect.

8.Research all the places you would like to visit and plan a schedule that allows for each one. You can always change it as you go, but having a plan will ensure that you do not miss out on the important sites that you are interested in experiencing.

Use the ideas here to plan well for your journey, then relax and enjoy the experience of traveling abroad. You will likely bring home memories that will last a lifetime.

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Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/All-You-Need-To-Know-When-Planning-To-Travel-Abroard/4052208

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Is Your Answering Service Helping Your Business? | SMALL ...

business virtual answering service

Call answering services can be a great, cost-effective way to enhance your customer service without taking on a full-time staff member. A phone call is likely to be your clients? first interaction with your company, so it?s important that you choose the right service for your business.

How can you make sure your service will make your business look good? Remember that:

First impressions matter. Are the virtual receptionists answering your calls happy? Do your callers hear ring after ring before they pick up or are they greeted right away by a live person?

Call your perspective answering service several times before you sign up and you?ll see what your callers will go through when you finally forward your line. Look especially for promptness in answering (answering before the fourth ring is ideal), ease with which they answer your questions, and what kind of mood the receptionist?s is consistently in.

If you experience anything other than the kind of happy, helpful service you?d provide, you may want to look elsewhere for phone answering support.

Outstanding customer experiences inspire loyal clients. Will your virtual receptionist service go above and beyond for you and your callers?

Virtual receptionist services can often transfer calls to you live and sound like they?re in your office. Your callers will still be well taken care of by a friendly, live person, and you?ll be able to produce quality work with limited interruptions ? win-win!

Responsiveness is a virtual virtue. Does your answering service call your clients back for you? Virtual receptionists can help you get more done by returning some of your calls for you. Even if you?re stepping into a meeting, you can send a quick message to your virtual receptionist service, and they?ll be able to assist your client in your absence. ?You?ll be able to keep your clients in the loop wherever you are!

Not all answering services are made equal, but the best virtual receptionist services can help you impress new clients, enhance your customer service, keep current clients happy, and best of all, make your business look good.

About The Guest Author:? Katie Wilson is the Online Marketing Champion at Ruby Receptionists, a telephone answering service that provides cheerful, expert virtual receptionist support to small businesses, legal practices and professionals across the nation.

Business Phone Photo via Shutterstock

Source: http://www.smbceo.com/2012/07/20/answering-service-business/

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Diversify your business with International Premium Rate Numbers

Are you ready to make great transformation with your current business? If that is so, then it is the perfect time for you to recognize the essence of International Premium Rate Numbers to your own respective business or organization. Plenty of companies and businesses who have succeeded in expanding their reach can attest and would have the same opinion about this outstanding tool they used in order to generate an impressive extra income. Without undergoing a long and hassle process, setting up premium number with International Premiums is easy and fast that it wouldn?t take up to 24 hours of waiting.

When you consider undertaking this International Premium Rate Numbers, it is important to deal with a reputable provider, for your business is really at stake. International Premiums, has a team of dynamic leaders, experts and dedicated staffs that conveys an exceedingly professional service; and has created a sound list of well-known clients worldwide.

If you search for a certain investment with less risk and maintenance, it is best to identify what International Premium Rate Numbers has to offer to help make your business grow and succeed. Expect to achieve a dramatic growth in your business as you allow this effective tool help you in addressing matters that has something to do with incrementing the yield of your business.

Do you imagine earning 21 cents out of 30 cents/min call rate? This is indeed so impressive! See how incredible it is, turning those incoming calls into profits! A more advantageously way indeed to diversify your business, International Premiums? partnership with CSC Payspark has even made it a lot easier and faster for you to access funds being generated by International Premium Rate Numbers. It is a more secure and safe way of transferring funds online. Not only that, it also serve as a very efficient solution for individuals who are seeking for a prepaid card to be used in making worldwide transactions online. Aside from that, it allows you to make withdrawals through ATMS with Mastercard Logo.

Find wide array of services and solutions at International Premiums that can be accustomed to match the needs of your business. Get started by making contacting International Premiums team either by phone or by email; inquire about all the possible details that might be needed in the process, then if everything is already clear with you (terms/conditions & etc.), you can then fill out the application form so you can proceed creating your online account. Just as you complete the process and have activated your number, money will about to knock on your door!

Here at International Premiums, we focus not only with the provision of International Premium Rate Numbers but also with the administration of a premium rate service to all of our customers. This is one of the reasons why we paved our way and your way to success.


Source: http://articlelib.org/diversify-your-business-with-international-premium-rate-numbers/

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